Elizabeth Freeman, contributor to The Dieline, posted The Brandit's packaging design for SunUp Brewing Company's canned products on TheDieline.com. I'm really pumped about this, as I art directed this project from day one, designed the logo, and worked with the illustrator, Mads Berg, to develop these cans.
The press-check process for these products was especially intense. We checked 5 products in a single day, which is quite a challenge, especially when there are only 2 shared colors across all 5 cans. That means there are 22 unique colors to check, way more than one would normally attempt for a single day of press-checking. To make this happen, I went in the day early and hand-sorted through thousands of ink-on-aluminum swatches to pick what would work best together ahead of time. I also picked backups, in case they looked a bit different when covering the can.