You might recall an article I posted about moving from Nickelfish to the The Brandit in early 2012. Well, much has happened at The Brandit since then, the most visually significant of which might be the identity update implemented this spring.
The Brandit character evolved darkly, switching from a fun, primary, geometric dude to a much more stylized, vigilante-esque charater. The new website also reflects the brand update.
Almost all of the work I've done in the past year has been with The Brandit. Some of my favorite projects include Hello IT, Vizcaya Villa and the logo for St. Florian's Brewing Company; you can peruse the WORK page to see some of the other stuff we've put out recently.
All the new art is the primary reason this website hasn't been updated in a while, but now is the time to change that.
I recently added a couple new project pages to my portfolio, and two of my favorites are Lauryl Lane (who I've written about before, and whose case study you can read here) and Mile High Style, two stylists who have already seen excellent mileage from their identity overhauls.
Three weeks ago, Dan (Creative Director at The Brandit) and I went to the Craft Brewers Conference. It was the first experience for both of us, and we had a great time. We made a ton of great contacts in the industry, and hope to begin working with some craft brewers, startups and old standards alike, to develop their brand identities.
Stay tuned to see some work from that industry in the coming months.