At the end of this month is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's 95 theses. To celebrate the milestone, Georgetown Presbyterian Church will host a hymnsong, and serve a special era-inspired German beer to honor the spirit of the reformers generally, but specifically honor Katie Luther - the wife of Martin.
In case you cannot read the text above -
In late October of 1517, a German monk named Martin Luther published a few ideas on theology - 95 to be precise. Though he guessed they might make for lively discussion, little did he know his these would spark a revolution - or rather a reformation.
A few years later Luther married another rebel, a nun-on-the-run named Katharina von Bora. "Katie" Luther wielded a dual reputation: for influence over her famed husband, and for brewing excellent ale. Many of the liveliest discussions of the Reformation took place in the Luther household, over several pints of Katie Luther's esteemed beer.
The discussion begun in 1615 continues today, five hundred years later. So raise a glass to Katie Luther and the Reformation."
The quote at the bottom "Here I stand - I can drink no other." is a reference to Martin's mythical quote at the Diet of Worms in 1521.
This post represents a thank you to Georgetown Presbyterian Church, Ceramic Decorating Co. for supplying the glass and decoration at-cost, the illustrator Steven Noble who supplied the mallet and nails illustration.
Images by photographer Adrian Vaagnes.